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Architecture for Change & Communication

You want to change your business - without method discussions

The central task of change management is supporting the basic ability and willingness of those affected to change, so that they become involved before and during the change. Although change and communication management are essential factors for the implementation of organizational and technical measures, only a few people actively take care of those things. One reason is that they lack an architecture for what is essential and how to set up the right measures for the daily tasks and changes properly. The lack of pursuit of the own corporate culture additionally burdens the willingness to actively manage and communicate change. Especially when you're

  • Changing your plans,
  • Redesigning your process or hierarchical structures,
  • Bringing your IT systems up to date,
  • Improving performance, or
  • Reacting mandatorily to conditions.

The change architecture covers all relevant fields of change actions:

  • Organize events of various sizes for coordination (Dialogue initiatives), to engage in discussion with the people concerned and connect them.
  • Set up workshops (Work initiatives) to develop technical solutions.
  • Provide platforms for interaction (Feedback initiatives), to make the opinions and ideas of the target group visible.
  • Offer courses and lectures (Learning initiatives), to train those concerned in dynamic learning environments.
  • Publications and events (Communication initiatives) to increase awareness.
  • Demand-oriented consulting (Consulting initiatives) to manage change through skillful control of employees and colleagues.
More details and individual proposals on request.

You can’t do much carpentry with your bare hands, and you can’t do much thinking with your bare brain.