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Agile & Learning Organization

Agility begins in the minds – of the manager

Historically evolved structures, processes and regulations encounter nowadays a rapidly changing VUCA world. Companies can no longer react adequately to the changes and are looking for new forms of organization.


One way out is to provide an agile approach to the organization by delegating tasks, competencies, and responsibilities to one point and replacing rigid structures with temporary workgroups that get together and manage in a self-organized manner. This requires the implementation of participative leadership styles that managers must learn and apply.

Agile working is the answer to VUCA.


  • Parts and relationships change continuously
  • Half-life of information too short for reliable use
  • Too much information & decision factors result in too many predictions and unexpected challenges


  • Essential relationships are unknown
  • Flood of information covers the current situation up
  • Clear precedents missing
  • Too much information prevents reliable prediction of results


  • Many independent parts and variables
  • Few, up-to-date information available
  • Different decision factors deliver different, plausible results


  • Basic causes and effects are unclear
  • Lack of overview of the current situation
  • Too little information prevents reliable result predictions

Modules and tools

Our offering for trainings and workshops - as single sessions and implemented in projects

Agile Project Management Project Management with Agile Methods

Agile product development For complex systems

Design Thinking Basic methods

More details and individual proposals on request.

If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.