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Business System & Process Management

Do not leave it to happenstance, how you run your business

Your organisation has an effect through the skillful interplay of your structures and processes. Everything is focused on customer needs. Your end-to-end processes exclusively contain activities that add value for your customers. Tasks, authorities and responsibilities are placed in one hand at the place of action. Unnecessary tasks are eliminated, and your organizational structure gets leaner.

The business processes result from your business strategy and the available IT. You will be supported by:

  • reference models
  • bottom-up or top-down procedures
  • Demand-oriented notations, e.g. UML, SIPOC, Turtle, Swim lanes, EPK etc.
  • Use of customer-specific IT tools
  • Automation and monitoring of processes
More details and individual proposals on request.

Automating a mess yields an automated mess.